There are a lot of reasons why fantasy football is better than the NFL, but here are just a few.

1. Fantasy football is more interactive. You’re not just watching a game – you’re actively participating in it.

2. Fantasy football is more unpredictable. The NFL is predictable – you know which teams are going to be good and which teams are going to be bad. But in fantasy football, anything can happen.

3. Fantasy football is more fun. Watching an NFL game can be pretty boring – but fantasy football is always exciting. There’s always something happening.

4. Fantasy football is more social. The NFL is a pretty lonely sport – but fantasy football brings people together.

5. Fantasy football is more affordable. An NFL ticket costs a lot of money – but a fantasy football league is much cheaper.

6. Fantasy football is more competitive. The NFL is a competitive sport, but fantasy football takes it to another level.

7. Fantasy football is more interesting. The NFL can be pretty boring at times – but there’s always something happening in fantasy football.

8. Fantasy football is more exciting. The NFL can be pretty dull at times, but fantasy football is always exciting. You never know what’s going to happen next.

9. Fantasy football is more challenging. The NFL is a difficult sport to master, but fantasy football is even harder.

10. Fantasy football is more rewarding. The NFL can be pretty frustrating at times, but fantasy football always makes you feel good.

In conclusion, there are a lot of reasons why fantasy football is better than the NFL. If you’re looking for an exciting, interactive, and social sport, then you should give fantasy football a try. You won’t be disappointed.